Gem Hubbard
Gem Hubbard is a Digital Creator with over 3.7 million hits on YouTube. She is arguably one of the top Disability Lifestyle Creators in the UK with an international following for her “Wheels no Heels” channels.
Gem is increasingly known internationally for her work in furthering the horizons of people with and without disabilities.
With an easy going, fun and effective attitude to the way that she promotes things Gem Hubbard is the right person to promote your brand.
Gem is keen to work with brands and organisations that understand the challenges people face when using a wheelchair; she wants to enhance lives for everyone.
About Gem Hubbard
Gem Hubbard knew from an early age after her injury that she had to help others in some way.
It may have taken 24 years for her to have achieved this, but she found it in her amazingly supportive online community.
Gem is so proud of what she has achieved over the years online with Wheels no Heels and in the real world.
As a great source of inspiration to many Gem is thankful that she can reach out to millions across the world and help others feel less alone.
Gem’s work and lifestyle shows that fun and fashion is for everyone.
“How clothes feel and behave when you use a wheelchair can be very different” says Gem “I’m keen to work with clothes designers and makers to help them produce designs that make us all feel good”.
Wheelchair Bags
Gem has worked with PickePacke on two successful campaigns promoting their wheelchair bags.
“This Genius Wheelchair Bag is quick and easy to install and so handy.” said Gem.
Gem’s followers have loved the bag and she wouldn’t be without it and its been to London, LA, and Florida.

Product Promotion
So how do you launch a new product for the discerning person with a disability?
Look no further!
With the ever growing band of happy followers of Gem Hubbard and Wheels No Heels, we’ll be sure to reach the parts that other content creators fail to reach.